Annual Events and Festivals
Cayuga County is bursting with exciting annual events and
Looking for something a bit lowkey? Check out the Annual NY Lavender Festival, or a step back in time at the Sterling Renaissance Festival.
Visit our calendar of events 对于事件的完整列表,集市,和节日发生每个月全年!
Route 90 Garage Sale
每年50英里的90号公路车库拍卖每年都有节日的气氛, families, and the occasional family dog, go searching for surprises. Stretching along the roadside of Route 90, a New York State Scenic Byway, the sale runs from Montezuma in the north, to the Village of Homer at the southern. 一路上,你会发现所有你能想到的东西,从古董披肩到斑马纹,以及介于两者之间的一切. 总是七月最后一个完整的周末,从早上9点到下午5点,无论下雨还是晴天. Plenty of creative (and delicious!)食物的选择可以帮助激发你内心的便宜货猎人. Local clubs, fire departments and organizations put on breakfasts, bake sales, and BBQ’s along the 50-miles.
Harriet Tubman Day
Officially proclaimed as a national holiday in 1990, 每年的3月10日是哈丽特·塔布曼日,纪念她作为自由斗士的英勇事迹, 1913. Join us in the City of Auburn, 纽约——哈丽特·塔布曼的家乡和最后的安息之地——每年都要庆祝和纪念这位美国英雄. Reception will feature special guests, live music, official proclamations, a commemorative poster, and more to celebrate the life and legacy of Harriet Tubman Davis.
Brave Brews: Auburn NY
Voted #5 Best Beer Festival in the US in USA Today!
Experience a weekend to remember, 在平等权利遗产的中心,支持纽约蓬勃发展的精酿饮料行业的女性和非二元个体. 这个节日的特色是特色旅游、特邀嘉宾和镇上最酷的酿造节.
这个周末以Pink Boots Collaboration Brew Day开始,以Fire and Ice Festival结束. 活动包括咆哮的火坑,现场音乐,食物,葡萄酒,啤酒,烟花和娱乐. Don’t miss the magnificent ice sculptures and drink luge!
Porch Fest: Fair Haven NY
On the second Sunday in August, 美丽港湾的古色古香的村庄变成了一个音乐目的地,门廊变成了舞台. Musicians, 从整个乐队到独奏艺术家,演奏从尤克里里到高山号等乐器的艺术家将在“舞台”上表演,时间从中午到下午6点.m. 食物、卡车和小贩为整个村庄增添了聚会的气氛.
Great Race
每年8月的第二个星期天在奥本举行跑步、自行车和划船比赛. 年轻的,年老的,严肃的赛车手和初学者都在为荣誉和追求乐趣而竞争! 所有参赛者和观众都将被邀请参加比赛后的庆祝活动, food, and beverages. 尽情享受在美丽的爱默生公园在奥瓦斯科湖与所有伟大的赛车!
Tomato Fest
The annual CNY TomatoFest will bring a day of live music, food, family activities, vendors, 在9月的第二个星期天,更多的人来到奥本城中心. 这个节日支持当地的食品储藏室,从上午11点开始.m. to 7 p.m. 位于城市南街和威廉/迪尔街之间的Genesee街.
Join us for good food, live music, craft vendors and more!
加入我们整个月的庆祝活动,纪念黑人和非裔美国人的自由和成就. For us, Juneteenth runs deep. As the chosen home of Harriet Tubman, an American abolitionist and activist, the spirit of Juneteenth is thriving in Auburn. 塔布曼的力量和勇气在几个向公众开放的历史遗址中得到了尊重,这些遗址向她的生活和为自由而战致敬. Be sure to visit the legacy sites of Harriet Tubman as you join us in celebrating Juneteenth.
Colloca Grape Festival
美食家和葡萄酒爱好者在一年一度的安大略湖美食节上聚在一起,享受当地的葡萄酒和特别准备的食物, Wine, and Jazz Festival™ at Colloca Estate Winery in Fair Haven, New York. A day of great food, wine, 还有爵士乐,沿着900英尺畅通无阻的海滨俯瞰费尔黑文湾. Local area wineries, craft brewers, cideries, 和酿酒厂将聚集在科洛卡庄园酒庄,为您提供品尝当地葡萄酒和其他工艺饮料和烈酒的机会. 专业农场到餐桌咬将准备和可供出售,以配合葡萄酒.
Sterling Stage Folk Fest- Sterling Stage Kampitheater
这个节日每年在阵亡将士纪念日周末举行,以民间乐队、根乐队和果酱乐队为特色. All tickets include overnight tent camping. 西卡德山谷是2024年斯特林舞台民间艺术节的头条,周日晚上有两场演出! Annie in the Water plays two Saturday night sets! Count Blastula two Friday night sets! One Man. The Band two Thursday night sets! Late nights with Katie Alessandra Music, Moe Michnick & The Mud Hoppers and Folkfaces! Plus, lots more!
菲尔莫尔日在每年8月的第二个周末举行. The event is free and includes live music, local craft beer, wine, food, artisan vendors and, of course, the bathtub races. The races are held in honor of Moravia native and former U.S. President Millard Fillmore, 并提到一个著名的骗局,说他把第一个浴缸带进了白宫.
NY Lavender Festival at Ol’Factory Lavender Farm
在农场度过平静的一天,庆祝薰衣草的一切! 从田野里采摘大捆大捆的芳香药草, 品尝一些美妙的薰衣草美食,包括他们自己的薰衣草糖浆冰淇淋圣代, sip herbal tea, sample lavender wine along with other wine tastings. 享受美食小贩的野餐午餐,然后参观我们才华横溢的工匠小贩. 你会发现独一无二的作品,从珠宝到陶器,再到彩绘玻璃和木制物品. 参加薰衣草工作坊,听一些很棒的音乐娱乐.
华威的庆典上,欢乐在等待着我们欢迎. You have entered the village of Warwick, England, a small country town not far from the bustling city of London. 穿过美丽的大门,你很快就会发现自己受到镇上兴高采烈的市民的欢迎, who will warmly welcome you as one of their own. 日常生活的规则被搁置在这个特殊的游戏和盛宴的日子. 大胆地加入你的村民,穿上1585年的传统服装,参加他们为这一天创造的任何娱乐活动.